Tennison Park Pecan

The winter silhouette of this lovely neighborhood pecan caught my eye each day as I picked up my kid from school.

My pre-teen son was not interested in getting a closer look, so I dropped him off at home.

My next door neighbor Kathy was outside when we arrived, so I invited her to join me on this close-to-home jaunt.

Tennison Park Pecan

I love the wispy shape of this hackberry against the sky.

Tennison Park Pecan
Tennison Park Pecan
Tennison Park Pecan
Tennison Park Pecan
Tennison Park

Walking back towards the parking lot, I spotted something else…

Tennison Park
Tennison Park

A huge BURL!

Tennison Park
Tennison Park
Tennison Park
Tennison Park
Carolyn Hestand Kennedy

Treehugger, horticulturist, garden manager, mom & blogger

AppleSauced Podcast


Rio Frio Landmark Oak