Carolyn Hestand Kennedy

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List of Living Trees

Compiled from my major information resource, the Famous Trees of Texas website, this list serves as a Table of Contents for the site

1. Auction Oaks
2. Baptist Oak
3. Bell County Charter Oak
4. Ben Milam Cypress
5. Bloys Symbolic Oak
6. Borden Oak
7. Burnt Oak (no public access)
8. Burges Oak
9. Battle Oaks
10. Big Tree Ranch Baldcypress (no public access)
11. Cart War Oak
12. Century Tree
13. Choctaw Robinson Oak
14. Church Oak
15. Commissioner's Court Oak
16. Courthouse Cedar (removed in 2019)
17. Cabinet Oak
18. Columbus Live Oak
19. District Court Oak (no public access)
20. Dueling Oak
21. Fleming Oak
22. Founders' Oak
23. Goose Island Oak
24. Goliad Anacua
25. Goodnight-Loving Pecan
26. Half-Way Oak
27. Hallettsville Hanging Tree
28. Hangman's Oak (no public access)
29. Heart O'Texas Oak
30. —Hubbard Ginkgo
31. Houston Campsite Oak
32. Jumbo Hollis Pecan (no public access)
33. Kimble Court Oaks (no public access)
34. Kissing Oak

35. Kissing Tree
36. Kyle Auction Oak
37. Kyle Hanging Tree
38. La Bahia Pecan
39. Landmark Cottonwood
40. Las Cuevas Ebony
41. Live Oak County Charter Oak
42. Log Cabin Oaks
43. Liberty Courthouse Oak
44. Masonic Oak
45. Matrimonial Oak
46. Muster Oak
47. Old Evergreen Tree
48. Old Baldy
49. Page's Tree
50. Panna Maria Oaks
51. Peach Point Oaks (no public access)
52. Parker Oaks
53. Ranger Oaks
54. Rio Frio Landmark Oak
55. Ross Oak (no public access)
56. Runaway Scrape Oak
57. Runyon’s Esenbeckia (no public access)
58. Rusk County Loblolly Pine (no public access)
59. San Saba Mother Pecan (no public access)
60. Seiders Oaks
61. Steel's Tavern Oaks
62. —Tombstone Oak
63. Traders Oak
64. Treaty Oak
65. Turner Oak
66. Twin Oaks
67. Tannahill Oak (no public access)
68. Urrea Oaks
69. Whipping Oak
70. Wiemers Oak (no public access)

71. Which Way Tree
72. Zachary Taylor Oak

A dash — before the tree name indicates that I have visited the tree and I’m still working on the write up.

These trees are not “famous,” but still interesting…

Presbyterian Burr Oaks

Beck’s Prime Oaks

Muir Woods